Conceived in the year 2006, Kalpana Group presently has become the well known brand with the turnover of over Rs 4 Crores. Located in Durgapur, West Bengal, India, the group is run by Mr. Hironmoy Das. It employs around 80 employees, who are at the heart of our company. The Supplier, Trader & Service Provider relies on their skills and knowledge of customer requirements.
Kalpana Group has several divisions under its fold:
- Hotel established in the year of 2013, at that time there are just 13 rooms when they start their journey and right now they have 70 rooms property.
- We have 3 banquet hall along with 3 family restaurant with bar facility.. we have 1 marriage hall with 2 hall facilities. Hall area approx 3000 square feet & 1500 square feet. In our marriage hall we have 5 accommodated AC Rooms.
- Also we have 25000 square feet open garden area with minimum 100 car parking facility.
- Right now in our hotel 50 staff are working 24*7.
Our key to success is our culture of continuous improvement. This culture promotes a shared commitment to continuously focus on the future and to accept change. All our team members are focused on seeking new ways to perform business operations faster, better and more cost effectively.